"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost"

I haven’t been posting recently as I’ve been rather ill. I thought I’d share some photos with y’all. A few weeks ago my best friend came to stay, check out his blog here. My health may have temporarily gone downhill but I still have great friends. My bf and my bestie are the two most important men in my life. They mean the world to me and have stuck by me through everything! The quote I used in my title is so true. I never realised how lucky I was to be so healthy and how I took it for granted until I lost my health over these last few months. Hopefully I will never lose these two guys, I already know the value of their friendship!! I honestly couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend and a better best friend. They are both amazing! Anyway here’s what we got up to….

 the boyfriend climbing on the swings
 cute cupcakes
 bestie eating cupcakes
 enjoying the view from my house
 baking cookies
baking cupcakes
besties making faces (yellow hair against yellow wall haha)
-Hannah ♥

♥ picnics ♥

My boyfriend is just the sweetest! I’ve been really sick recently so haven’t been getting out much. My wonderful boyfriend took me on a surprise picnic to help me feel better. We sure live in a beautiful place!

-Hannah ♥